Tag Archives: random

Happy New Year 2024: Reflection & Updates, Bad Luck SSDs, Public Transport & More Random

Happy New Year to all. I can’t believe it’s 2024 already … it seems 2023 went by in a blur. Where did all the time go? Looking back, it seems like I did a lot less than I would have … Continue reading

Posted in Computing, Opinion, Travel | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

Random: element14 Prizes, EMBC 2023, R&S Seminar, Evening with The Chancellor & More

As usual, it’s been a while between postings … but this time, perhaps longer than most. This is because I’ve been extremely busy with many things. Unlike most of my random posts, this one will cross a little into my … Continue reading

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Random: NBN Outage, VoLTE Thoughts, Plastic Trolleys, Transport Upgrades & French Fries

It’s been another case of being way too long between random postings and my brain has been filling up with more observations than I can find the time to compile and write. In the meantime, I’ve never been busier with … Continue reading

Posted in Opinion, Telecommunications, Travel, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Random: Happy Birthday, Reflections, Time Sinks & Toilet Rolls

It’s literally been weeks since I have posted on this blog and it makes me uncomfortable just saying that … as I have been meaning to write but things keep getting in the way. This past month has been a … Continue reading

Posted in Audio, DIY, Electronics, Opinion, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , | 11 Comments

Random*2: Happy New Year! Ethernet Issues, Saving a HP Microserver, Thoughts on AI & More

Hmm … how long has it been since my last random post? Wow, it’s been more than three months! I guess it’s time for another one … although I suspect you could already tell from the fact that there haven’t … Continue reading

Posted in Computing, Opinion, Travel, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Rand(): Equipment Retirements, Tower Upgrade, Scam Calls, Smart Shopping, Rail Strikes & More

It’s been way too long since my last random post, which seems to be the norm rather than the exception, as I’ve kept myself busier than usual. But eventually, I find the time to flush those thoughts out to a … Continue reading

Posted in Computing, Electronics, Opinion, Radio, Telecommunications, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Random: 5M Views, Vivid Sydney, Flash Memory Fails, Renovation Relics & More

It’s about time for yet another random post! Life has been very busy lately, in part due to family commitments, some special requests by readers, participating in a number of challenges over at element14, working on a few reviews in … Continue reading

Posted in DIY, Electronics, Event, Photography, Salvage, Travel, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 6 Comments

Visited: SMB Digital by CeBIT Australia (30-31 Mar 22) & More

It’s trade show expo season and I wouldn’t miss it for anything! Luckily for me, I was able to spend a bit of my Thursday afternoon visiting SMB Digital held at ICC Sydney. In years past, this would be known … Continue reading

Posted in Computing, Event | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Random: Multiple Webcams & WebRTC, Payphones, Generic SD Cards, Media Appearance & More

What? A week goes by with no posting? How can that be!? Another random post so soon!? As it turns out, I’ve been quite busy again with a few things, so time ran out over the weekend to get this … Continue reading

Posted in Computing, Flash Memory, Telecommunications, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Random: Site Update, Expos, Transport Havoc, Payphones, 3D Printer Fix, Unhappy Meals & More

It’s been way too long between random posts and my brain is filling up with junk, so it’s time to do some garbage collection. But no, these thoughts are not junk … at least, not to me. I’d say the … Continue reading

Posted in Electronics, Opinion, Telecommunications, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | 6 Comments

Bumbling My Way Through Valentine’s Day 2022 with a Mixtape!

Oh my. What’s this? A package for urgent delivery to me by Valentine’s Day. That’s never happened before. As it turns out, this was a result of me entering a competition on Bumble, a dating app of sorts, which I … Continue reading

Posted in Audio, Opinion, Tech Flashback | Tagged , , , , , | 4 Comments

Random: 3D Printing Fun, Flaky microSD Card, element14 Contributions & More

It’s been a while since the last random post and in the interim, I’ve been extremely busy with a number of reviews and recovering from illness (not COVID-19 thankfully). This time around, I show off some of the very simple … Continue reading

Posted in Electronics, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

Random: Tonga Volcano, 3D Printing, Li-Ion Cycling, Peltier Failure & Telstra LTE Speed

It’s a new year but it certainly didn’t feel like it. I’ve not been out of the house much, if at all – only for the essentials. Even then, receiving exposure alerts constantly reminds me just how much the Omicron … Continue reading

Posted in Computing, Electronics, Telecommunications, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Random: Booster Shots, Random Observations, Unboxing a NUC & Reflections

It’s been a long year, but at last, we are coming towards the end of 2021 which (unfortunately) also means coming towards the end of the holiday period as well. I’ve been so busy as of late, it doesn’t even … Continue reading

Posted in Opinion, Travel, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , | 5 Comments

Random: NBN HFC Speed/Spectra, Fixing Old Electronics, Scam Calls, Oven Sabotage & More

It’s been too long between random posts, so without further ado … here’s another bunch of random thoughts from my mind and scraps which didn’t really deserve their own post. NBN HFC Speed Testing Recently, my aunt faced the looming … Continue reading

Posted in Computing, DIY, Electronics, Telecommunications, Travel | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Random: Site Update, More Scam SMSes, Toasty Vacuum, NBN Speed & More

It’s been too long since my last random posting … my brain’s been slowly filling up with random snippets that aren’t exactly enough to become their own full-blown post. That is, despite, being boxed-in at home to avoid the worst … Continue reading

Posted in Computing, Opinion, Tablet, Telecommunications, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Random: Site Updates, Spam/Scam Calls/SMS, Flash Memory Woes & More

It’s been absolutely ages since my last random posting which happened at the end of June when Sydney was just entering its COVID-19 delta-strain-induced lockdown. Since then, lockdown has been continuously tightening its grip with very little result to show … Continue reading

Posted in Computing, Flash Memory, Opinion, Telecommunications, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 7 Comments

Random: Sydney in Lockdown, Public Transport & Random Observations (& More)

It’s been around two months since my last random posting and lots of things have changed. Unfortunately, with my head buried in work, I’ve accumulated a lot of random thoughts and observations which have been bouncing around my head … … Continue reading

Posted in Audio, Opinion, Travel, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , | 3 Comments

Visited: Central Coast Amateur Radio Club (CCARC) Mayham Event (30 May 21)

Yesterday marked the rescheduled Central Coast Amateur Radio Club Field Day event. Usually held early in the year, around February, this year the event was postponed due to COVID-19. The rescheduled event gained a new name – Mayham. Cue the … Continue reading

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Random: Birthday Analysis, Public Transport, Shopping & Toothpaste

It’s been way too long since my last random posting, as I’ve been plenty busy with work, other blogs, reviews and more. My recent birthday is perhaps a good excuse to make another random post, along with a heap of … Continue reading

Posted in Opinion, Travel, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Random: Farewell 2020 at Long Last? Introspection with a Side of Random

It’s been ages since I’ve posted a random post – which is no surprise since I usually fill them up with “random” content which I record on my day to day outings. But this year has been completely different – … Continue reading

Posted in Audio, Computing, Electronics, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Random: Public Transport in the COVID-19 Era

The word “unprecedented” has been used to describe this pandemic more times than I can count and has seemingly lost all its meaning. Phrases like “we’re all in this together” have been used so often to almost no effect as … Continue reading

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Question: Who Makes That Ream of A4 Copy Paper?

Following on my recent posting about who makes your toilet and facial tissue, I had the same question about copy paper. After all, this is one very popular office consumable that I often buy on price rather than anything else. … Continue reading

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Question: Who Makes That Tissue/Toilet Paper? (and Other Related Stuff)

It wasn’t many months ago when panic buying was a thing and people decided to stock up on toilet paper and tissue products. Somehow, someone decided that the COVID-19 outbreak would result in some apocalyptic circumstances where having an excess … Continue reading

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Rnd(): Happy Birthday to Me – FB Post Analysis, Helium Balloon Experiment & Gifts

Recently, I celebrated my 31st birthday amidst the unprecedented social-distancing lockdown that has become our new daily normal in 2020. I can’t say that I look forward to celebrating another year – by now, it’s more of acceptance rather than … Continue reading

Posted in Electronics, Event, Raspberry Pi, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Rand() Mar 2020: On-Demand Patronage, Light Rail & Other Public Transport Observations

It’s been absolutely ages since I last posted a random post. It’s been so long, almost half a year has passed. The main reason, and it’s no surprise at all, is that I’ve been very busy with work. Things have … Continue reading

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Visited: Central Coast Amateur Radio Club (CCARC) 62nd Wyong Field Day (23 Feb 2020)

It’s 3:50am on a Sunday. My wristband buzzes. I roll out of bed, semi-conscious. It’s a time when most would be in bed, soundly asleep. But for me, just like last year, it’s time to make the annual pilgrimage up … Continue reading

Posted in Computing, Electronics, Event, Radio, Salvage | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Updates: Opal Connect for Cooee Busways, On Demand Patronage & Buses Going Cashless

This week has been quite an interesting week for public transport users, especially bus users, as the NSW Government seems to have announced and extended a number of initiatives that change the way you pay for buses. The Opal Connect … Continue reading

Posted in Travel, Uncategorized | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Random: Tangara Upgrade Tests, Vintage Railway Assets, NBN HFC Demarc Box & More

It’s time for another random post – this time, there are more transport-related observations including more upgrades to Tangaras, a few vintage railway assets, a look inside my NBN HFC demarc box, another failed SanDisk microSD card and more random … Continue reading

Posted in Telecommunications, Travel, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , | 4 Comments

Random: Thanks Cooee, CBD Light Rail Testing, Metro Construction, T-Coil Audio & More

Every week is a busy week for me now that I’m fully laden with work and things to do on the side, thus I must apologise for later-than-usual replies to e-mails recently. Unfortunately, this often means that blogging also has … Continue reading

Posted in Audio, Computing, Travel, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , | 7 Comments