element14: Identifying Your Model of Raspberry Pi

Well, lets just say that I’ve been invited to write a short piece for element14 about Identifying Your Model Raspberry Pi, and it’s now gone live.

As we all know, the Raspberry Pi has been around for a while now, and has gone through several iterations, from its “initial” state, to the new “plus” series and now, the Raspberry Pi 2. As the hardware and I/Os differ between generations, there are certain accessories and operating systems that will not run on the older Raspberry Pis, so it makes sense to find out what you have – in case you fancy a new one to run Windows 10 IoT Core on it.


It’s a short read, and it’s available here if you’re interested.

About lui_gough

I'm a bit of a nut for electronics, computing, photography, radio, satellite and other technical hobbies. Click for more about me!
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